Dates are rich in nutrients. Iron, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, etc. are found in abundance in dates. Apart from this, dates also contain vitamin A, B6 folic acid. Dates also contain simple sugar called fructose, which immediately get energy by eating. Consumption of dates is beneficial for everyone. It is beneficial for both pregnant and pregnant women. By eating dates, bones are strong and blood deficiency in the body is removed.
Everyone knows about the date, but hardly anyone knows about its merits. Date is very nutritious. It is a source of energy, so eating it provides instant energy. Iron, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, etc. are found in abundance in dates. Apart from this, dates also contain vitamin A, B6 folic acid. Dates also contain simple sugar called fructose, which immediately get energy by eating.
Consumption of dates is beneficial for everyone. It is beneficial for both pregnant and pregnant women. By eating dates, bones are strong and blood deficiency in the body is removed. Milk of mother's milk, which is fed by eating dates, is made in abundance. Therefore, the mother should also eat dates.
Iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, etc. are found in abundance in dates. Apart from this, dates also contain vitamin A, B6 folic acid. Elements are abundant.
Iron fulfills the lack of blood in our body. Iron is found in abundance in dates. Eating dates can complete blood loss in the body.
Calcium makes our body bones strong. Dates are rich in calcium. It is very nutritious. Dates are sweet, soft, nutritious and provide instant strength. 100 grams of dates fulfills the daily needs of the body. Due to its properties, in Muslim religion, the Roza is opened only by eating dates. Dates are rich in nutrients.
Magnesium is also found in appropriate amounts in dates. Magnesium has many benefits. It gradually reduces the increased cholesterol in the body. Due to thinning of blood, blood circulation is normal, which improves blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart diseases.
Sodium balances the acids and alkaline elements in our body. It balances the amount of water in our body. Sodium is also found in dates. Eating dates balances the contraction of the sensory power of the tissues of the heart muscle and nerves, which helps keep our heart rate normal.
Phosphorus is also found in dates. Our kidneys work better due to phosphorus. Not only phosphorus, bones are also strengthened by dates. The problem of arthritis starts due to lack of phosphorus in the body.
Zinc plays an important role in keeping our immune system strong, zinc is found in abundance in dates. Immunity in children can be increased to a large extent by keeping the amount of zinc in the body balanced with regular intake of dates. Zinc is beneficial for increasing immunity. People who are looking for ways to increase disease immunity can consume zinc-rich foods. The body needs zinc every day. Zinc is important for a healthy immune system, and keeps healthy skin, eyes and hair healthy. Therefore, in today's time, it is very important to keep immunity strong to avoid the changing weather, pollution and diseases like corona and keep yourself healthy.
Why should dates be fed to children?
Potassium helps in brain development and potassium is found in abundance in dates. Therefore, date children should be fed.
Dates kill stomach worms, which clears the stomach of children. Dates also work better for the liver.
Children who have acidity and ulcer problems. They should be given to eat dates. Date reduces acidity and ulcer symptoms. Be sure to consult a doctor before intake.
Calcium is found in plenty in dates, so children who are growing and whose teeth are coming out, they should definitely feed it.
You probably remember that when children came in contact with mother or smallpox, they were advised to eat dates. The energy level in the dates is very good, which helps the patient of smallpox to recover, so grandmother and grandmother used to feed the children with dates.
As a solid food you can feed the date to young children, who have not yet had teeth, but after feeding any new thing to young children, its effect should be seen for two to three days. If the child is easily digested, it should be fed regularly. You can feed young children in the form of date puree, or mixed with milk in addition to sweet food.
Children who have anemia should regularly feed dates to overcome anemia.
Dates balance the amount of water in the body. Dates are found in sodium, so children who have a dry disease or are deficient in nutrients should be fed dates.
Some children are often ill, due to which they do not have proper physical development. Date strengthens the immune system, so all children should regularly consume dates.